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Matt and Lars

Sports talk and more from long time Birmingham sportscaster Matt Coulter, and former Troy Trojan and New York Giant Matt Allen. These guys make sports fun again.

Jun 26, 2019

A virtual potpourri of topics in a fast paced Matt 'n Matt Show. Has Georgia lost their favorite status in the East? Amari Cooper tells it like it is with Saban's recruiting process. NBA, no "owners"? Good Grief! Its become difficult to cheer for US Women's soccer. Oh, new Olympic sports,.......Matt Allen has captured...

Jun 18, 2019

Matt and Matt discuss the highs and lows of an epic week in sports. Stanley Cup becomes largest shot glass for the Blues, and Oh Canada brings it’s first NBA championship to Toronto. A must hear.

Jun 11, 2019

That is Larry Blakeney's quote concerning Matty A's time at Troy. Coach is on the ballot for the CFB Hall of Fame and responds with a hall of fame podcast performance. Coach talks openly about Matt Allen's days at Troy and Matty C's very frank inquiries about AU, Eric Ramsey and more. This is great, GREAT stuff. The...

Jun 4, 2019

The Matts pay tribute again to Rod and Paula Bramblett and how interesting that the Tiger's baseball team has now gone on a late season run to Omaha. Bama softball couldn't survive the gauntlet of 4 games in 48 hours, the NBA, the BLUES, NFL scheduling and what to do when someone asks you to help them move,....all in #155.