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Matt and Lars

Sports talk and more from long time Birmingham sportscaster Matt Coulter, and former Troy Trojan and New York Giant Matt Allen. These guys make sports fun again.

Feb 27, 2020

Matt and Matt coming on strong tonight with a rather unconventional show. From disco beats to NFL combine secrets, this should bring a few laughs. Enjoy!

Feb 21, 2020

Bad team in Houston. Bad a$$fight in Vegas. Bad college basketball. Great Daytona 500.

Feb 11, 2020

The pride of Roan Mountain, Tennessee joins Matt 'n Matt to talk about AU hoops, Barkley, Bob Knight and NASCAR. Sonny is a true gem. He gives a midseason prediction on SEC teams with NCAA chances and thoughts on Nate Oats at Alabama. Matty A reviews week one of the XFL while most of Alabama looks for a boat.

Feb 4, 2020

KC wins Super Bowl LIV.  It's the Chiefs first SB win in 50 years, only one member of this show watched their first. Reid photo bombed a post game interview and the commercials were mostly lame. The halftime show was definitely, "One for the ages!".